Thursday, 1 May 2014

FAD: 100 Days with Mr. Arrogant Review

4.5 out of 5

Hi, this week I look at "Falling in love with arrogance" with the 2004 film "100 Days with Mr. Arrogant".

Initial Thoughts

I don't know exactly what the poster says but I like the poster because it gives you a glimpse of what the movie is about, with the girl on his shoulder and the car in the background. The trailer, on the other hand, is a little bit of a disappointment. There is just shots of different scenes and background music - no voices at all. It looks like a half assed job and doesn't explain much besides revealing that the main characters fall in love. 

What are you doing here, Snow White?

The opening scene made me feel a little nervous and wonder what kind of fairytale movie, I just stepped into as the main character is dressed as snow white and is waiting for her prince. Turns out it was just a dream and the main character had just fallen asleep in class. Typical but a simple and clean way to start the movie. The opening credit were cute though, with nice little animations.
Opening Credits


It was good although a little predictable. Nonetheless, I really liked this movie and storyline. This film is about Ha-Yeong, a high school girl who gets dumped the day of their 100 day anniversary (In Korea, a relationship that goes for 100 days is a big thing), in the midst of being depressed, she kicks a can and it magically flies in the air and hits Hyung-Jun and scratches his car. Hyung-Jun then confronts Ha-Yeong and demands her $3000 on the spot to pay for the damage but as Ha-Yeong is a poor school student, Hyung-Jun decides to recruit her as a servant for 100 days. Obviously, they fall in love after all the pranks they pull on each other for revenge. I think the best revenge and one of the reasons they became so close was when Hyung-Jun becomes Ha-Yeong's tutor. The transition from attractive male to geek was utterly amusing.

Although, there was a lot of hilarious moments. There was also a few cringe worthy moments like when they have to eat a disgusting soup that looks to have moldy socks in it and teacher picks his noses and the Ha-Yeong ends up getting booger in her mouth - EW, GROSS! But frankly, I think there just has to be that one really awkward character in the movie and in this movie, it’s one of Ha-Yeong's classmates who is seen licking her lips when she sees the teacher's booger and saying something rather trivially important when she's on the toilet.

I think that sometimes the film got a little distracted and away from its storyline at times like when the main characters are out bungee jumping and then suddenly Ha-Yeong is in hospital but recovers before her parents get home. At this point, I wondered 'what happened to the 100 days of being a servant?' because by then, they were starting to act like a couple. Unlike a lot of films, I believed that this one has a special message which is "Don't let a male ruin your studies and a good successful life" because *SPOILER ALERT*, He leaves her. I loved how they replayed how they met, at the end but with reverse roles.


Are those man boobs?

The acting was okay. Sometimes it was a little off like when Ha-Yeong is trying to angrily take posters off the wall and it seems like she is a little too excited. I also did not like the actor, Kim Jaewon who played Hyung-Jun, at first because he was not attractive/hot enough. But I found as long as he kept his shirt on, all was fine.
Let's not celebrate with flying paper around


Just trying out some poses!

The English was good and there was no issues with the subtitles which is a double plus. I watched this film on Drama.Net.


The music was good. I liked the theme song because it was both upbeat and soft meaning it could both work as a sad song and a happy song. It was nice how they incorporated the theme song though, starting from Hyung-Jun's best friend playing it on his guitar to Ha-Yeong singing it in-class.
Just doing your homework

Final thoughts:

I really enjoyed this film, as a romantic drama comedy and would recommend it. However this film is not the best film there is and will not win any awards.

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